
Kariwano Giant Tug-of-War Festival


akita10 Feb. 2024


In this traditional event, the townspeople are split in to two teams, Kamimachi (Futukamachi) and Shimomachi (Itsukamachi), and pull a rope of 2.2 m in diameter. The ropes are ones of the biggest ropes, which are 64 m and 50 m long and weigh 10 tons each. The event has a history of over 500 years since Muromachi Period. It is told that when Kamimachi wins, the price of rice will increase and when Shimomchi wins, rice harvest will be good.

  • お祭り
    刈和野の大綱引き | Kariwano Giant Tug-of-War Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒019-2112 秋田県大仙市刈和野(字) 県道10号線

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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    刈和野の大綱引き | Kariwano Giant Tug-of-War Festival
  • Date
    10 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Kariwano Omachi Street


  • Access
    5-minute walk from JR Kariwano Station
  • Tel
    +81 187-75-1115
  • Category
    Traditional CultureBizarre festival
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Festival to be held soon