
Matsuri Tsukuba

茨城2023.08.26 - 2023.08.27

ibaraki26 Aug. 2023 - 27 Aug. 2023


Matsuri Tsukuba is a festival in Tsukuba city with traditional and new events.
Tsukuba is a science city with a diverse culture and people from different countries and ethnicities. The festival has various traditional arts and concerts, street performers, portable shrines, and a nebuta float parade. Local businesses, organizations and stores open their shops or have stands for everyone to enjoy.

  • お祭り
    まつりつくば | Matsuri Tsukuba
  • 日付
    2023.08.26 - 2023.08.27
  • 開催場所

    つくば駅周辺 つくばセンター広場 中央公園 大清水公園 竹園公園

    日本, 〒305-0031 茨城県つくば市吾妻3丁目4−945

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    首都圏新都市鉄道つくばエクスプレス つくば駅
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    まつりつくば | Matsuri Tsukuba
  • Date
    26 Aug. 2023 - 27 Aug. 2023
  • Venue

    Tsukuba Station Area, Tsukuba Center Plaza, Central Park, Oshimizu Park, Takezono Park


  • Access
    Metropolitan Intercity Railway Tsukuba Express Tsukuba Station
  • Tel
    +81 29-883-1111
  • Category
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Festival to be held soon