
Mito Komon Festival

茨城2024.08.02 - 2024.08.04

ibaraki02 Aug. 2024 - 04 Aug. 2024

まつり期間中には、千波湖で約4,500発の花火が打ち上げられ、山車巡行 、神輿連合渡御 、水戸黄門パレード、市民カーニバル in MITOなどのイベントが開催されます。

This festival began in 1961 which the two generations of the Mito clan held to honor Lord Mitsukuni Tokugawa. During the festival more than 4,500 fireworks are lit over Senbako Lake, as well as a float parade, the union of portable shrine with their main shrines, the Mito Komon parade and other events such as a carnival in Mito run by the locals.

  • Festival
    水戸黄門まつり | Mito Komon Festival
  • Date
    02 Aug. 2024 - 04 Aug. 2024
  • Venue

    Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken


  • Access
    Get off at Mito Station on the JR or Kashima Rinkai Railway Oaraikashima Line
  • Tel
    +81 29-224-0441
  • Category
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Festival to be held soon