In front of the Tochigahara Shrine, fried large tatami mats and then lanterns are placed over the mountain path to the Urushijima area at the foot, and the big flow of dancing is not changed, and various arrangements are added every year.
Fox lantern matrix: 100 yen as a matrix participation fee (Participation with wearing fox costume is 1,000 yen)"> In front of the Tochigahara Shrine, fried large tatami mats and then lanterns are placed over the mountain path to the Urushijima area at the foot, and the big flow of dancing is not changed, and various arrangements are added every year.
Fox lantern matrix: 100 yen as a matrix participation fee (Participation with wearing fox costume is 1,000 yen)">


Fox's Night Festival


nigata09 Oct. 2023


It is a festival that began with the first year of Heisei under the motif of "Fuji Goro Fox" which is transmitted to the Tochigahara district of Takayanagi-shi, Kashiwazaki-shi.
In front of the Tochigahara Shrine, fried large tatami mats and then lanterns are placed over the mountain path to the Urushijima area at the foot, and the big flow of dancing is not changed, and various arrangements are added every year.
Fox lantern matrix: 100 yen as a matrix participation fee (Participation with wearing fox costume is 1,000 yen)

  • お祭り
    狐の夜祭り | Fox's Night Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒945-1504 新潟県柏崎市高柳町栃ケ原

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    狐の夜祭り | Fox's Night Festival
  • Date
    09 Oct. 2023
  • Venue

    Kashiwazaki-shi Takayanagi-cho Tochigahara area · Urushijima area


  • Access
    1 hour by bus from "Kashiwazaki Station" JR Shinetsu main line
    From Hokuhoku Line "Tokamachi Station", take Route 252 towards Kashiwazaki in 20 minutes by car
  • Tel
    +81 257-41-2241
  • Category
    Dance/ParadeFoodBizarre festival
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