婿投げ すみ塗り
Mukonage Suminuri
nigata15 Jan. 2025
In the event, grooms who married in previous year are thrown from Yakushido ground which is about 5 m high. Today, it is done to wish for blessings of marriage and strengthening the marital bond.
Suminuri (cover with black ink) is to pray for good health and prosperity of family business during the lunar new year by putting the mixture of ash from "Sai no kami" ritual (aka. Dondo Yaki) and snow to each other's faces while saying "congratulation".
- お祭り
- 婿投げ すみ塗り | Mukonage Suminuri
- 日付
- 2025.01.15
- 開催場所
松之山温泉 薬師堂とその付近
- アクセス
- 北越急行まつだい駅から車で20分
- 電話番号
- 025-596-3011
- Festival
- 婿投げ すみ塗り | Mukonage Suminuri
- Date
- 15 Jan. 2025
- Venue
Matsunoyama Hot Spring, Yakushido and neighborhood
- Access
- 20 minutes by car from Hokuetu Kyuko Matsudai Station
- Tel
- +81 25-596-3011
- Category
- Traditional CultureBizarre festival
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