
Gishi Festival


nigata14 Dec. 2023


December 14, Genroku 15, is known as the day when the 47 Ako Gishi (feudal warriors) struck back at Kira's house and achieved their true motives. Since one of the Ako Gishi was Horibe Abe from Shibata, this annual event is held on this day at Chotokuji Temple, the family temple of his grandfather, in memory of Abei.
In front of the Chotokuji temple gate, there is a Yoshishi Hall, in which wooden statues of the 47 Ako warriors are dedicated, which is open to the public on this day only.
In addition, there will be a memorial service in honor of Yasubei, sword fighting, iaido, and poetry recitation, as well as a parade through the city by boys and girls dressed as Ako Gishi.

  • Festival
    義士祭 | Gishi Festival
  • Date
    14 Dec. 2023
  • Venue

    Choutokuji Temple


  • Access
    20 min. walk from JR Shimbata Station
  • Tel
    +81 254-26-6789
  • Category
    StallDance/ParadeTraditional Culture

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Festival to be held soon