
Tochigi Autumn Festival

関東2024.11.01 - 2024.11.03

kanto01 Nov. 2024 - 03 Nov. 2024


The Tochigi Autumn Festival is said to have originated from the Shinmu Festival held at the Tochigi Prefectural Government Office in 1874, and in 1893, six floats from Manmachi 1-chome, 2-chome, 3-chome, Wa-machi 2-chome, 3-chome, and Izumi-cho participated in the celebration for the approval of the establishment of the first commercial chamber in Tochigi Prefecture. In 1906, floats from Muromachi participated in the Shinmei-gu Shrine and Shokonsha Festival, and the current form of the festival was established. After the municipal organization festival in 1937, the festival has been pulled out as a festival of the city's development, and today, once every two years in November, gorgeous Edo doll floats made in the Edo and Meiji periods glamorously parade through the city on the streets of warehouses, which are the symbol of Tochigi City.

  • Festival
    とちぎ秋まつり | Tochigi Autumn Festival
  • Date
    01 Nov. 2024 - 03 Nov. 2024
  • Venue

    Around Kura-no-Machi Boulevard, Tochigi-city, Tochigi


  • Access
    Approx. 15 min. walk from Tochigi Sta. on JR Ryomo Line and Tobu Nikko Line
  • Tel
    +81 282-21-2374
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiStallDance/ParadeTraditional Culture

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Festival to be held soon