
Nanatsugo Mairi

千葉2024.06.29 - 2024.06.30

chiba29 Jun. 2024 - 30 Jun. 2024

男女7歳の無病息災・学業繁盛を祈願する「七ツ子参り」。 神社境内にはカヤで作られた「茅の輪」という大きな丸い輪があり、この輪をくぐり今年の健康を祈願する。数多くの露天が立ち並び、浴衣で訪れる方も多く、子供会のお囃子披露など行われる。

"Nanatsugo Mairi" is to pray for the blessings of health and academic success of 7 years old boys and girls. In the shrine ground, there is a huge ring called "Chinowa" which was made of imperata cylindrica roots and people pray for this year's health by going through the ring. There are many stalls standing in rows, and many people come in Yukata and the festival music is performed by organizations of local children.

  • Festival
    七つ子参り | Nanatsugo Mairi
  • Date
    29 Jun. 2024 - 30 Jun. 2024
  • Venue

    56 Shinmachi, Onjukumachi


  • Access
    20-minute walk from Onjuku Station
  • Tel
    +81 470-68-2414
  • Category
    StallDance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon