
Hayachine Shrine Somin Matsuri Festival


iwate17 Mar. 2024

厄除け、無病息災、五穀豊穣などを願い、裸の男たちが雪の境内で蘇民袋を奪い合う勇壮な祭りです。 押し合いながら参道を下り、参道の鳥居で袋の口を押さえている人に駒が与えられます。

It is a brave festival where naked man scramble for So-min bags on the snowy premises of the shrine, wishing for greater purification, disease-free, grain richness etc. The naked men go down a path while pushing each other and the person who holds the opening part of the bag the closest at the shrine torii (gateway) will be given the So-min bag, which contains small wooden blocks.

  • お祭り
    早池峰神社蘇民祭り | Hayachine Shrine Somin Matsuri Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所



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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    早池峰神社蘇民祭り | Hayachine Shrine Somin Matsuri Festival
  • Date
    17 Mar. 2024
  • Venue

    Hayachine shrine


  • Access
    About 50 minutes by car from Shinhanamaki station
  • Tel
    +81 198-48-5877
  • Category
    Traditional CultureBizarre festival
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Festival to be held soon