
Lake Towada Winter Story Festival

青森2024.02.02 - 2024.02.25

aomori02 Feb. 2024 - 25 Feb. 2024


Lake Towada mystically covered by snow and ice during winter, Lake Towada's symbol statue of young woman floats in the dark. It is fantastic in the promenades with snow light. There is a fireworks and light up performance themed in "Snow, moon and flowers", and folk entertainment, local cuisine, Japanese Sake in the snow huts can be enjoyed.

  • お祭り
    十和田湖冬物語 | Lake Towada Winter Story Festival
  • 日付
    2024.02.02 - 2024.02.25
  • 開催場所

    十和田湖畔休屋 特設イベント会場

    日本, 〒034-0301 青森県十和田市奥瀬十和田湖畔休屋486

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    東北自動車道 小坂ICより車で約40分
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    十和田湖冬物語 | Lake Towada Winter Story Festival
  • Date
    02 Feb. 2024 - 25 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Towada Lakeside rest area special event site


  • Access
    40 minutes by car from Kosaka Interchange on Tohoku Expressway
  • Tel
    +81 176-75-2425
  • Category
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Festival to be held soon