

神奈川2024.01.14 - 2024.01.15

kanagawa14 Jan. 2024 - 15 Jan. 2024

毎年1月15日三浦市の海南神社や三崎の仲﨑・花暮地区で豊漁・豊作や商売繁盛などを祈願する女性のみで踊られる民俗芸能。昭和51年5月にユネスコ重要無形民俗文化財に指定されている。踊り手は幼稚園の年中児~小学6年生の女の子で晴着姿で扇、20cm くらいの竹の両端に五色の紙を細く短冊に切り、小さな鈴をつけた「チャッキラコ」と呼ばれる綾竹を持って踊る。

Every year on January 15th at the Kainan Shrine in Miura and at Nagasaki and Kagura areas in Misaki, a dance is performed only by women to pray for good harvest, fishing, and business throughout the year. It was registered as a UNESCO Important intangible folk-cultural property. The dancers consist of kindergarteners all the way to upper elementary children. They dress in appropriate kimono with a fan, and dance while holding a Chakkirako, which is a bamboo about 20 cm long with colorful paper into a tanzaku with bells on the end.

  • Festival
    チャッキラコ | Chakkirako
  • Date
    14 Jan. 2024 - 15 Jan. 2024
  • Venue

    4-12-11 Misaki, Miura-shi


  • Access
    3-minute walk from the Keikyu Bus Misakikou bus stop
  • Tel
    +81 46-882-1111
  • Category
    FireworksDance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon