Kitanokoya no Shishimai
chiba06 Feb. 2025
北之幸谷の稲荷神社の氏子に伝承された二人立の獅子舞で、毎年3 回演じられる。まず、2月の初午の日に悪魔払いのため氏子の家々をまわり、次が10月の秋の祭りで、はしご獅子舞を演じる。北之幸谷の獅子舞の中でこのはしご舞は秋の祭りだけで11月15日には紐解き児のいる家をまわり、悪魔を払う。
It is a Shishimai dance performed 3 times a year, which has been passed down to the parishoner of the Inani Shrine in Kitanokoya. The Shishimai first travels around the village to homes of parishioners to evict evil spirits starting on the first Day of Uma (the horse, the seventh sign of Chinese zodiac) of February. In addition, in October, the Fall Festival is held with the Hashigo Shishimai dance (lion dance on a ladder). The Shishimai dance of Kitanokoya’s Hashing Shishimai is only seen in the fall festival, and goes around to homes with himotokiko to evict evil spirits.
- お祭り
- 北之幸谷の獅子舞 | Kitanokoya no Shishimai
- 日付
- 2025.02.06
- 開催場所
日本, 〒283-0061 千葉県東金市北之幸谷644 稲荷神社
- アクセス
- JR東金駅からバス片貝行で堀上下車
- 電話番号
- 0475-50-1187
- カテゴリ
- 神輿・山車・灯篭
- Festival
- 北之幸谷の獅子舞 | Kitanokoya no Shishimai
- Date
- 06 Feb. 2025
- Venue
Kitanokoya, Togane-shi
- Access
- Get off at the Horiage bus stop on the bus to Katakai from the JR Togane Station
- Tel
- +81 475-50-1187
- Category
- Mikoshi/Dashi
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