Nakanoki no Tsujigiri
chiba06 Feb. 2025
It is a festival done to keep bad spirits and illnesses away from the village. Participants are divided into two groups, the east and west groups at the Yasaka Shrine, which enshrines a protective deity. The groups each form a long snake. The long snakes about 5 m long each, mingle in front of the main shrine building, and lie facing each other, and drink sacred sake. After the snakes meet, they split into east and west again, with about 5 people carrying the snakes. Then the snakes are tied to the Northeast and Southwest trees along the street.
- お祭り
- 中野木の辻切り | Nakanoki no Tsujigiri
- 日付
- 2025.02.06
- 開催場所
日本, 〒274-0826 千葉県船橋市中野木1丁目12−1 八坂神社
- アクセス
- 東船橋駅から徒歩13分
- 電話番号
- 047-436-2894
- カテゴリ
- 伝統芸能
- Festival
- 中野木の辻切り | Nakanoki no Tsujigiri
- Date
- 06 Feb. 2025
- Venue
1-12 Nakanoki, Funabashi-shi
- Access
- 13-minute walk from the Higashi Funabashi Station
- Tel
- +81 47-436-2894
- Category
- Traditional Culture
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