
Chida Festival


wakayama14 Oct. 2024

毎年10月14日に須佐神社で盛大に行われる秋祭り。「嫁を取るなら糸我の会式 婿が欲しけりゃ千田祭」と歌われた、有田の2大祭りで、御輿渡御の後行われる「鯛投げ神事」では、やぐらの上から投げられた鯛を奪い合います。この鯛を手にした者は、一年の豊漁、豊作、家内安全が約束されるといわれ、競って鯛を奪い合うところから、別名「喧嘩祭り」としても有名です。

A grand fall festival that is held at Susa Shrine annually on October 14. A song with the words "Yome wo torunara Itogano Eshiki, mukoga hoshikerya Chidamatsuri" are sung during the festival, and is known as one of Arita's 2 grand festivals. After the mikoshi carrying, a Tainageshinji (bream throwing ritual) is performed from the tower where participants fight for the bream fish. It is said that the person who is able to get the bream fish will be blessed with good fishing, good harvest, and safety in the home for the year. And is well known as the Kenka (fighting) Festival since they all fight for the fish.

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Festival to be held soon