
Otsu Festival

滋賀2023.10.07 - 2023.10.08

shiga07 Oct. 2023 - 08 Oct. 2023

湖国三大祭の1つ。京町三丁目ある天孫(てんそん)神社の例祭です。江戸時代初頭から行われていた祭礼で、県の無形民俗文化財に指定されています。古くは四宮祭と呼ばれました。本祭当日には、ゴブラン織りや精巧な金具に飾られた、豪華絢爛な13基の曳山巡行があり、一連の行事の中でもっとも人気の高いハイライトです。 コンコンチキチンの囃子とともに、所望場所で巧妙なからくりを演じながら巡行します。

It is considered one of the Kokoku Three Grand Festivals, and is annual festival for the Tenson Shrine in 3 Kyomachi. It is an annual festival which has been held since the Edo Period, and is registered as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset for the Prefecture. It used to be called the Shinomiya Festival in the old days. On the day of the main festival, 13 luxuri-ous and gorgeous floats decorated with intricate metal parts and Gobelins tapestry, parade around and is the most popular highlight of the events. With a rhythm that goes konkonchikichin, it parades while playing a clever mechanism.

  • Festival
    大津祭 | Otsu Festival
  • Date
    07 Oct. 2023 - 08 Oct. 2023
  • Venue

    Tenson Shrine


  • Access
    3 minutes from Otsu (Station) on the JR Biwako Line
  • Tel
    +81 077−525−0505
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiStallTraditional Culture
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