
Uchiwamaki (Chukobonmoue)


nara19 May. 2024


It is told that restoration high priest saint Kakujo in the Kamakura period was bitten by a mosquito and his disciple was unable to stand watching and tried to slap, but the saint said, "Keep the commandment of non-killing. Giving out of my blood is a part of practices to become a Bodhisattva." Uchiwamaki started to praise the virtue and drive away mosquitos by offering fans. Several hundred fans are scattered to worshipers, and it is told that receiving a fan means you receive the benefit of curing the disease and warding off evil spirits.

  • お祭り
    うちわまき(中興忌梵網会) | Uchiwamaki (Chukobonmoue)
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒630-8032 奈良県奈良市五条町13 唐招提寺

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    近鉄 西ノ京駅 徒歩8分
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    うちわまき(中興忌梵網会) | Uchiwamaki (Chukobonmoue)
  • Date
    19 May. 2024
  • Venue

    Toshodaiji Temple


  • Access
    8-minute walk from the Kintetsu Nishinokyo Station
  • Tel
    +81 742-33-7900
  • Category
    Traditional CultureBizarre festival
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Festival to be held soon