
Kemari Festival

奈良2025.4.29, 2025.11.3

nara29.Apr.2024, 03.Nov.2024


It is an ancient game to dress up in traditional Mari clothes, kick up and pass a ball one after another. It is associated with the historical fact of the enshrined deity Kamatari Fujiwara and Prince Nakanooe pretended to play Kemari, but they were actually talking about subjugation of Soga family (Taika Reform).
The festival is held on April 29th (Greenery Day) and November 3rd (Culture Day) every year.

  • お祭り
    けまり祭 | Kemari Festival
  • 日付
    2025.4.29, 2025.11.3
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒633-0032 奈良県桜井市多武峰319

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  • アクセス
    JR・近鉄 桜井駅→談山神社行バス終点下車 徒歩3分
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    けまり祭 | Kemari Festival
  • Date
    29.Apr.2024, 03.Nov.2024
  • Venue

    Tanzan Shrine


  • Access
    Get off at the last bus stop from the JR and Kintetsu Sakurai Station bound for Tanzanjinja, then walk for 3 minutes
  • Tel
    +81 744-49-0001
  • Category
    Traditional Culture
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