


nara23 Feb. 2024

早朝から精進潔斎をした筋目といわれる家筋の男性、舞翁二人、笛翁四人、鼓翁一人、歌翁五人が神官に導 かれて舞殿に登場し、朗々とした歌翁の声とともに、舞翁の振る鈴の音が冷えきった空気にこだまして、参拝の 人たちの胸に古代の息吹をよみがえらせてくれます。

Kuzuso is conducted gracefully according to the traditional rituals at Kiyomihara Shrine where Emperor Temmu is deified on 14th day of Lunar New Year every year in Mina-mikuzu, Yoshino-cho.
Men from families of good linages purifying themselves by abstaining from eating meat from the early morning, 2 Maiokina, 4 Fueokina, 1 Tsuzumiokina, and 5 Utaokina appear on the maidono stage led by a shinto priest, Utaokina's clear voices and the sounds of bells rang by Maiokina are echoed in chilled air and bring ancient air to worshippers' hearts.

  • お祭り
    国栖奏 | Kuzuso
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒639-3435 奈良県吉野郡吉野町南国栖1

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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    国栖奏 | Kuzuso
  • Date
    23 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Kiyomihara Shrine


  • Access
    Take a bus from the Kintetsu Yamatokamiichi Station bound for Yumorionsen Suginoyu and get off at "Minamikuzusuidoguchi" then walk for 5 minutes
  • Tel
    +81 746-36-6838
  • Category
    Dance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon