光仁会 がん封じ・ささ酒祭り

Kouninne Ganfuji Sasazake Festival


nara23 Jan. 2024


It is an event associated with when Emperor Kanmu along with his government officials, went to the Daianji Temple for Emperor Kounin's first year anniversary of his death.
With Buddhist services starting in the morning, prayers to prevent cancers, and giving out Sasazake to participants are the events that are held. Sasazake, where sake in a thick bamboo tube is given out in green bamboo cups is said to have cancer preventative medicinal effects.

  • お祭り
    光仁会 がん封じ・ささ酒祭り | Kouninne Ganfuji Sasazake Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所



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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    光仁会 がん封じ・ささ酒祭り | Kouninne Ganfuji Sasazake Festival
  • Date
    23 Jan. 2024
  • Venue

    Daianji Temple


  • Access
    10-minute walk from the Daianji bus stop, which is a 10 minutes ride on the bus from the JR and Kintetsu Nara Stations
  • Tel
    +81 742-61-6312
  • Category
    Traditional CultureFoodBizarre festival
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Festival to be held soon