
Kurama Fire Festival


kyoto22 Oct. 2024

京都三大奇祭の一つ。平安末期、祭神を京都御所から鞍馬の里に迎えた時のもようを現在に伝えているといわれる。 22日夕、各家の門口にかがり火が焚かれ、午後6時から子供の手松明が町を練り、やがて武者わらじを履いた里人たちが大松明をかついで 「サイレイ、サイリョウ」のかけ声とともに町内を練り社頭に集まる。その火の粉の中を2基のみこしが渡御し壮観を極める。

Considered one of Kyoto's Three Grand Unusual Festivals. It is said to be a re-enactment of when the enshrined deity was transferred from Kyoto to Kurama in the end of the Heian Period. On the evening of the 22nd, a bonfire is lit in front of each household, and at 6 PM, children walk around town with torches, and eventually adults holding large torches wearing Musha Waraji sandals parade around town while yelling "Sairei sairyo", and gather in front of the Shrine. They go to splendid extremes as the two mikoshis are carried into the fire with sparks.

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Festival to be held soon