
Ennen Festival


kyoto17 Mar. 2024


It is also known as "Fukubo Festival" and they decorate curbed out flowers and buds from magnolia trees and pray for a long life, matchmaking, and huge harvest of the five grains. Mitsuno Family who are related to Urashima hold the festival at Engishikinai shine deifying Taro Urashima. It is crowded with worshipers who buy many raffle tickets trying to win lucky charms called Fukubo. "Okina sanbaso" is performed at the end of the festival.

  • お祭り
    延年祭 | Ennen Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒626-0403 京都府与謝郡伊根町本庄浜191

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    京都丹後鉄道天橋立駅→バス「浦嶋神社前」下車 徒歩2分
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    延年祭 | Ennen Festival
  • Date
    17 Mar. 2024
  • Venue

    Urashima Shrine


  • Access
    Take a bus from the Kyototango Railway Amanohashidate Station to get off at the "Urashimajinajamae" then walk for 2 minutes
  • Tel
    +81 772-32-0277
  • Category
    Dance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon