"Hoshi" here indicates a "star of fate" that everyone has. It is a "Hoshi festival Gomaku ritual" to make a fire-offering and hold a memorial service for "hoshi" on the day before the calendrical beginning of spring which is a new year in a lunar calendar.
"> "Hoshi" here indicates a "star of fate" that everyone has. It is a "Hoshi festival Gomaku ritual" to make a fire-offering and hold a memorial service for "hoshi" on the day before the calendrical beginning of spring which is a new year in a lunar calendar.


Agon Shu's Hoshi Festival


kyoto11 Feb. 2024

ここで言う「星」は人が誰でもが持つ、「運命の星」を指しています。旧暦の年始めである節分に護摩を焚き「星」を供養 (おまつり)する、「星まつり護摩供」です。

Agon Shu's Hoshi Festival is held annually on February 11th. "Hoshi" of Hoshi festival doesn't mean the "stars" shining in the night sky.
"Hoshi" here indicates a "star of fate" that everyone has. It is a "Hoshi festival Gomaku ritual" to make a fire-offering and hold a memorial service for "hoshi" on the day before the calendrical beginning of spring which is a new year in a lunar calendar.

  • お祭り
    阿含の星まつり | Agon Shu's Hoshi Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒607-8471 京都府京都市山科区北花山大峰町17−5 観音茲恵会阿含宗総本山総本殿

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    阿含の星まつり | Agon Shu's Hoshi Festival
  • Date
    11 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Agon Shu's Main Temple


  • Access
    Shuttle buses from Kyoto Station Hachijoguchi (only on the festival day)
  • Tel
    +81 75-761-1141
  • Category
    Traditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon