
Gion Festival (Toyama)

富山2023.07.13 - 2023.07.14

toyama13 Jul. 2023 - 14 Jul. 2023

市街地中心部の「中の橋」をはさんで、南は日吉神社氏子十町、北は日宮神社氏子六町の大祭として、神輿と太鼓台が氏子区域を巡行します。「イヤサー、イヤサー」の威勢のいい掛け声と、優雅な笛や力強い太鼓の音色に乗って、神輿や太鼓台が町へ繰り出します。 南は5台の曳山も繰り出し、にぎわいます。

The Gion Festival began around 300 years ago when the locals prayed for a cure for a plague struck the entire Himicho area. As thanks the people paraded around town with portable mikoshi shrines with the deities of Gion inside.
Giant drums and floats are pulled around the town while the people shout out“Iyasa- Iyasa-” as elegant flutes and powerful drums play colorful music. It’s a lively display as another 5 floats join from the south.

  • Festival
    祗園祭り | Gion Festival (Toyama)
  • Date
    13 Jul. 2023 - 14 Jul. 2023
  • Venue

    Naka no Hashi, Hiyoshi Shrine, Hinomiya Shrine


  • Access
    10-minute walk from the JR Himi Station
  • Tel
    +81 766-74-5250
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiTraditional Culture
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