
Inami Yoiyasa Festival

北陸2025.05.02 - 2025.05.03

hokuriku02 May. 2025 - 03 May. 2025


This festival began in 1833 as a ritual to pray for prosperous business and family safety. There are three types of portable shrines carried by adults, and together with the children's portable shrines, six portable shrines parade through the town, together with three lions and four yatai, creating a lively atmosphere in the town. The highlight of the festival is the 10-km parade by the carriers and the lion's head, which is carved with Iba's skill.

  • Festival
    井波よいやさ祭り | Inami Yoiyasa Festival
  • Date
    02 May. 2025 - 03 May. 2025
  • Venue

    Urban area of Iba, Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture


  • Access
    Approx. 90 min. on the Kaetsu Noh Bus Nanto Kanazawa Line from JR Kanazawa Station, short walk from Iba Kotsu Hiroba Bus Stop.
  • Tel
    +81 763-82-2539
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiDance/ParadeTraditional Culture

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Festival to be held soon