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Hofu Tenmangu Shrine Gojinko Festival


yamaguchi25 Nov. 2023


As one of the 3 Tenjin in Japan and a grand festival of Hofu Tenmangu Shrine, and also famous for an outstandingly boisterous festival in Western Japan, the ritual comes from the fact that Emperor Ichijo attended the Kitano Shrine when imperial messengers were sent to Hofu Tenmangu Shrine at the same time on October 15 in Kanko year 1 (1004).
It is a magnificent sight to see thousands of naked men in white clothing under the cold sky, parade in a long line carrying Oajiro, a dedicated worship object, with calling out bravely "Kyoudai, Wasshoi" to an Otabisho in Katsumanoura which is said that Kanko landed.

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Festival to be held soon