
Ushitsu Abare Festival

石川2024.07.05 - 2024.07.06

ishikawa05 Jul. 2024 - 06 Jul. 2024


The Ushitsu Abare Festival has been designated an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Ishikawa Prefecture. This grand festival began 350 years ago to calm a plague by inviting the deity Gozu-Tennoh from Yasaka Shrine in Gion, Kyoto. A giant bee, believed to be a holy spirit, stung the people which cured them from the terrible plague.
Forty 23-feet-tall kiriko lanterns dance through the fire powder of large torches. Two portable mikoshi shrines are thrown into river or ocean, then in and out of bonfires, the violent and wildness of the participants is amazing to watch.

  • Festival
    宇出津あばれ祭り | Ushitsu Abare Festival
  • Date
    05 Jul. 2024 - 06 Jul. 2024
  • Venue

    Ushitsu, Noto-cho, Hosu-gun Ishikawa-ken


  • Access
    Get on a bus from the Anamizu Station on the Noto Railway, and get off at the Ushitsu Eki Mae bus stop
  • Tel
    +81 768-62-8532
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiTraditional CultureOcean/River/Ship
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