nara08 Oct. 2024
能楽の古い形を残し、国の無形民俗文化財に指定されている翁舞は、毎年10月8日に演じられます。奈良時代に、万葉歌人として知られる志貴皇子(しきのみこ)の子 春日王(かすがおう)の病気平癒を祈願して舞ったのが始まりとされています。
While maintaining the old Noh play method, the Okinamai is registered as a National Intangible Folk Cultural Asset, and is performed annually on October 8. It is said to have started in the Nara period when they started to dance for recuperation from illness of Kasugao, son of Shikinomiko, known as a Manyo Poet.
A bonfire is lit within the grounds of the stage, and the dance is performed in a mysterious atmosphere. Okinamai is a dance which methods predates the Noh and Kyogen, and hence is a very important traditional performance in Japan.
- お祭り
- 翁舞 | Okinamai
- 日付
- 2024.10.08
- 開催場所
日本, 〒630-8104 奈良県奈良市奈良阪町 奈良豆比古神社
- アクセス
- JR奈良駅または近鉄奈良駅から奈良交通バス「青山住宅行き」乗車、奈良阪バス停下車すぐ
- 電話番号
- 0742-23-1025
- Festival
- 翁舞 | Okinamai
- Date
- 08 Oct. 2024
- Venue
Narazuhiko Shrine
- Access
- Get off at the Narahan bus stop on the Narakotsu bus for Aoyamajyutaku from the JR or Kintetsu Nara Station
- Tel
- +81 742-23-1025
- Category
- Dance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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