
Kuse Festival

岡山2024.10.25 - 2024.10.26

okayama25 Oct. 2024 - 26 Oct. 2024

岡山県真庭市の「久世の祭り」は岡山三大だんじり祭りの1つです。 毎年10月24日が宵祭り。25日は真庭市久世地区の五つの神社の五社立会祭り。 旧出雲街道を五社のお神輿が先行し、続いて鐘と太鼓の町まわり囃子を奏でながら、10社のだんじりが付き従う「五社御祭礼」です。だんじりに乗り込むのは若い青年達でだんじりに飾られた笹を手に「笹喧嘩」を繰り広げます。

The Kuse Festival held in Maniwa-shi, Okayama-ken is considered one of Okayama's Three Great Danjiri festivals. The yoi festival is held on October 24. The 5 townships in Maniwa-shi have their 5 Shrines hold the Gosha Tachiai Festival on the 25th. 5 mikoshis from the 5 shrines travel the Old Izumo Road, and afterwards 10 shrine danjiri floats parade along with a musical rhythm from bells and taiko drums. This is the Goshagosairei. The young ride on the danjiri, with the danjiri decorated with bamboo leaves, while performing the Sasakenka.

  • Festival
    久世祭り | Kuse Festival
  • Date
    25 Oct. 2024 - 26 Oct. 2024
  • Venue

    Kuse Shopping Street (Maniwa-shi)


  • Access
    Get off at the JR Kuse Station
  • Tel
    +81 867-42-1033
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiTraditional Culture
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