


ishikawa10 Feb. 2024


This is a Shinto ritual that has been handed down from generation to generation at Sugo Ishibe Shrine in Daishoji, Kaga City.
In 677, during the reign of Emperor Temmu, the ceremony was held to remember the path of the warrior, in accordance with the war of the gods, Hohodemi no Mikoto, a mountain god, and his elder brother, Suseri no Mikoto, a sea god, to ensure that even in the reign of Emperor Temmu, people would not forget their rebelliousness. As the festival approaches, a large rope is made to resemble a giant snake, and about 400 green bamboos are prepared. On the day of the ritual, young men dressed in white rush into the shrine grounds and smash the green bamboos against the stone steps and pavement. When most of the green bamboos have been split, a serpent with a large rope is pulled out of the hall of worship and thrown over a bridge into the Daishoji River. The split green bamboo can be freely taken home by onlookers, and it is said to help kites fly better and chopsticks to stop toothache.

  • お祭り
    御願神事 | Goganshinji
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    加賀温泉駅からIRいしかわ線 大聖寺駅から約1.7km
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    御願神事 | Goganshinji
  • Date
    10 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Sugoisobe Shrine


  • Access
    From Kagaonsen Station, IR Ishikawa Line, about 1.7 km from Diseiji Station
  • Tel
    +81 761-72-0412
  • Category
    Traditional Culture

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