On the day of the festival, many stalls line the foot of Mt. Haguro, and the famous yuzu (citron) is lined up everywhere. Local households also have a tradition of making ayu fish kusarezushi (sweetfish sushi) as a special treat for the Bonten Festival.
 The Bonten Festival is held on the third Saturday and Sunday of November.">  On the day of the festival, many stalls line the foot of Mt. Haguro, and the famous yuzu (citron) is lined up everywhere. Local households also have a tradition of making ayu fish kusarezushi (sweetfish sushi) as a special treat for the Bonten Festival.
 The Bonten Festival is held on the third Saturday and Sunday of November.">


Hagurosan Bonten Festival


kanto16 Nov. 2024

羽黒山神社の梵天祭りは、約300年前の江戸時代に始まったと伝えられています。梵天とは祭礼に用いる大型の幣束〔へいそく〕で、神様を招く目印になるものです。梵天は孟宗竹〔もうそうちく〕を2本(片方は根付き)それぞれ枝葉を払い、荒縄を巻き付けてつなぎ合わせ1本の竿〔さお〕にし、その先端に昔は和紙や麻などと供に収穫物を付けたものです(現在はビニールテープで大きな房状に取り付けたものが多い)。これを、そろいの法被を着た若者たちが、掛け声を掛け、梵天の房を天に向かって跳ね上げながら、今里の宿内を勇壮に引き歩いた後、羽黒山頂上に祀〔まつ〕 られる神社に奉納するため、山頂に向かいます。神社に着くと、社殿横のやぐらに梵天を立て付け、奉納し、秋の収穫を祝い、縁起物の祝い餅などがまかれます。
 祭りの当日、羽黒山の麓には、多数の露店が軒を連らね、名物の柚子〔ゆず〕が所狭しと並びます。また、地元の家々では、梵天祭りのためのごちそうとしての「鮎のくされ鮨〔ずし〕 」を作る習わしがあります。

The Bonten Festival at Hagurosan Shrine is said to have started about 300 years ago during the Edo period. The Bonten is a large bundle of offerings used in festivals and serves as a marker to invite the gods to the shrine. Two stalks of moso bamboo (one with roots) are stripped of their branches and leaves, and then joined together with a rough rope to form a pole (sao). Young men dressed in matching happi coats call out to the crowd, and after walking heroically through the Imazato Inn, they head to the top of the mountain to present the Bonten to the shrine enshrined atop Mt. After arriving at the shrine, the Bonten is set up in the yagura next to the shrine building, dedicated, and celebratory rice cakes and other good-luck items are sprinkled in celebration of the autumn harvest.
 The festival is named "Bonten Matsuri" (Bonten Festival) because more than a dozen Bonten are vigorously dedicated to the gods from nearby areas.
 On the day of the festival, many stalls line the foot of Mt. Haguro, and the famous yuzu (citron) is lined up everywhere. Local households also have a tradition of making ayu fish kusarezushi (sweetfish sushi) as a special treat for the Bonten Festival.
 The Bonten Festival is held on the third Saturday and Sunday of November.

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Festival to be held soon