
Funekko Nagashi


iwate16 Aug. 2024

舟っこ流しは藩政時代から伝わる送り盆行事で、 盆の送り火・精霊舟の一種です。

The Funekko Nagashi is a Bon festival event that began in the Edo period, where ceremonial bonfires are performed on straw boats dedicated to ancestral spirits.
The Buddhist names of the deceased ancestral spirits are written on tags which are attached to the boats, along with lanterns and paper flowers and other decorations adorn the entirety of the boats in this memorial ceremony. This is called “funekko” in Japanese. After a series of rituals the boats are carried by men wearing fundoshi loin cloths to the river, where they are set on fire and float away.

  • Festival
    舟っこ流し | Funekko Nagashi
  • Date
    16 Aug. 2024
  • Venue

    Meiji Bridge upstream riverside, right bank


  • Access
    7-minute walk from JR Tohoku Main Line Senboku-cho Station
    Iwateken Kotsu Senboku-cho bus stop
  • Tel
    +81 70-5621-6210
  • Category
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