
Itoman Haree

沖縄2024.06.08 - 2024.06.09

okinawa08 Jun. 2024 - 09 Jun. 2024


Haree is an event passed down from China about 600 years ago, where they pray for safe voyage and good fishing by competing by rowing on the Haryusen boats.
Itoman Haree is a major large event for Itoman, which is referred to as the seamen's town from old times. It is a ritual festival to give thanks to the blessings of the sea, and to pray for even better fishing and safety on the waters, and for health and safety in the home.
By prizing and following the traditions from old, the festival, even to this day, is held on the May 4 of the old calendar, Yukkanuhi- (meaning the 4th with an accent).

  • お祭り
    糸満ハーレー | Itoman Haree
  • 日付
    2024.06.08 - 2024.06.09
  • 開催場所

    糸満漁港 中地区

    日本, 〒901-0361 沖縄県糸満市糸満1943−4

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    ゆいレール赤嶺駅 下車→琉球バス交通・沖縄バス 糸満入口バス停下車
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    糸満ハーレー | Itoman Haree
  • Date
    08 Jun. 2024 - 09 Jun. 2024
  • Venue

    Itoman Fishing Harbor, Naka region


  • Access
    Get off at the Yui Rail Akamine Station, then ride the Ryukyu Bus Kotsu bus, Okinawa Bus, then get off at the Itoman Iriguchi bus stop
  • Tel
    +81 98-992-2011
  • Category
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Festival to be held soon