Ikuranan and Ikuraboku Hachimangu Shrine Spring Grand Festival
kumamoto13 Apr. 2025
Ikuranan and Ikuraboku Hachiman Shrines are across the street and old shrines with a history of over 1,300 years.
They hold grand festivals twice a year in spring and fall, and it is also called "Neriyome Procession".
Neriyome procession is one of the uniquely traditional ritual events of Hachimangu shrine, and beautifully dressed up women accompanying children in Kariginu cloth and a head-gear of old-time nobles or imperial coronation crown on their heads walk throughout the town to visit a shrine.
It is based on a historical fact that Neriyome procession was originally started to dedicate beautiful unmarried woman as a human sacrifice before gods to show gratitude for the productiveness of grain.
- お祭り
- 伊倉南北八幡宮春季大祭 | Ikuranan and Ikuraboku Hachimangu Shrine Spring Grand Festival
- 日付
- 2025.04.13
- 開催場所
- アクセス
- JR肥後伊倉駅 下車
- 電話番号
- 0968-73-2222
- Festival
- 伊倉南北八幡宮春季大祭 | Ikuranan and Ikuraboku Hachimangu Shrine Spring Grand Festival
- Date
- 13 Apr. 2025
- Venue
632 Miyabaru, Tamana-shi, Kumamoto-ken (Ikuranan Hachimangu Shrine)
3009 Ikurakitakata, Tamana-shi, Kumamoto-ken (Ikuraboku Hachimangu Shrine)
- Access
- Get off at the JR Higo-Ikura Station
- Tel
- +81 968-73-2222
- Category
- Dance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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