Which history is old, is said that the origins go back to when there was an epidemic during the Eiroku period, and the parishioners all joined and prayed for relief from illness. When their prayers were answered, as a return and a token of thanksgiving, they built a Yamakasa and dedicated it to the Shinko Festival.
It is one big valiant and dynamic ritual that each large mikoshi topped with 10 flag Yama-kasa, decorated with a baren of 5 colors, is carried by 60 people and parades across the Hikosan River.
"> Which history is old, is said that the origins go back to when there was an epidemic during the Eiroku period, and the parishioners all joined and prayed for relief from illness. When their prayers were answered, as a return and a token of thanksgiving, they built a Yamakasa and dedicated it to the Shinko Festival.
It is one big valiant and dynamic ritual that each large mikoshi topped with 10 flag Yama-kasa, decorated with a baren of 5 colors, is carried by 60 people and parades across the Hikosan River.


Kawawatari Jinko Festival

福岡2024.05.18 - 2024.05.19

fukuoka18 May. 2024 - 19 May. 2024

福岡県田川市の「風治八幡宮 川渡り神幸祭(かわわたりじんこうさい)」は、福岡県五大祭の一つに数えられる、筑豊地区を代表するまつりです。

"Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Kawawatari Jinko Festival" in Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture is counted as one of the Five Grand Fukuoka Festivals and representative festival of Chikuho region.
Which history is old, is said that the origins go back to when there was an epidemic during the Eiroku period, and the parishioners all joined and prayed for relief from illness. When their prayers were answered, as a return and a token of thanksgiving, they built a Yamakasa and dedicated it to the Shinko Festival.
It is one big valiant and dynamic ritual that each large mikoshi topped with 10 flag Yama-kasa, decorated with a baren of 5 colors, is carried by 60 people and parades across the Hikosan River.

  • Festival
    川渡り神幸祭 | Kawawatari Jinko Festival
  • Date
    18 May. 2024 - 19 May. 2024
  • Venue

    Tagawa City Hikosan River


  • Access
    Short walk from Tagawaita Station on the JR or Heisei Chikuho Railway
  • Tel
    +81 947-42-1135
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiTraditional CultureOcean/River/Ship
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Festival to be held soon