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Hachiya Gion

福岡2024.04.29 - 2024.05.01

fukuoka29 Apr. 2024 - 01 May. 2024

県の無形民俗文化財に指定され、大富神社の3大祭の中でも最大規模の祭り。740年、大宰府の藤原 広嗣の反乱を鎮圧した上毛郡擬大領※・紀宇 麻呂(きのう まろ)の凱旋(がいせん)の様子を表したものと言われている。毎年4月30日・5月1日に開催され、「エッサヤーレ」のかけ声とともに神幸行列や山鉾、躍り車が八屋の町を練り歩く。

It is the biggest festival among the three grand festivals of Otomi Shrine, and is registered as an Intangible Folk Cultural Properties by the prefecture.
It is told that the festival is expressing the triumphal return of Koge district director Kinomaro who crashed a rebellion of Hirotsugu Fujiwarano in Dazaifu in 740.
It is held annually on April 30 and May 1, Shinko procession, Yamaboko, and Odoriguruma parade through the town of Hachiya with the calls of "Essa Yare".

  • Festival
    八屋祇園 | Hachiya Gion
  • Date
    29 Apr. 2024 - 01 May. 2024
  • Venue

    256 Shiromaru, Buzen-shi


  • Access
    20-minute walk from the JR Nippo Main Line Unoshima Station
  • Tel
    +81 979-82-1111 
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiStallTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon