
Osaiura Sanbase Funabashi Harbor Festival


chiba18 Oct. 2023

船橋漁港周辺で行われるイベント。「食べて美味しい、触って楽しい、買って嬉しい 五感で味わう、船橋の海」がキャッチフレーズ。船橋の海で水揚げされたホンビノス貝やスズキを味わえ、船橋産の農水産物や、ふなばしセレクションの販売、漁船やヨットでのクルージング体験、船橋漁港をバックにした地元団体による音楽演奏やダンスなども行われる。

An event held around the Funabashi Harbor. The festival has a catch phrase that goes, "Good eats, touch and be merry, buy and be happy, enjoy with all your senses, the sea of Funabashi". You can enjoy the hard clam and Japanese sea bass taken from the local Funabashi Sea, and other farm and marine products from Funabashi, the sale of the Funabashi Selection, experience cruising on a yacht and fishing boat, enjoy music and dance performed by local bands with Funabashi Harbor in the background.

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Festival to be held soon