Since the rooster day falls every 12 days, some years have two festivals and some years have three festivals."> Since the rooster day falls every 12 days, some years have two festivals and some years have three festivals.">


Bird Day Fair (held at Otori Shrine on each Day of the Bird in November)


tokyo5,17,29 of November

江戸時代から続く年中行事で、「春を待つ 事のはじめや 酉の市」と芭蕉の弟子其角が詠んだように、正月を迎える最初の祭りとされていました。当時“酉の町”“酉の祭”(とりのまち) ともいわれ、11月の最初に巡ってくる酉の日(一の酉)が一般的に重んじられたようです。

Tori-no-ichi is a festival held on the day of the rooster in November (the twelfth day of the zodiac) at Tori-no-ji Temple in Asakusa and other locations in the Kanto region to wish for good luck and prosperous business.
It has been an annual event since the Edo period (1603-1867), and was regarded as the first festival to welcome the New Year, as Basho's disciple Kikaku wrote in his poem "Hajimete no Hajimete ya Tori-no-ichi" ("Waiting for Spring, the First of All Things, Tori-no-ichi"). It was also called "Tori-no-machi" or "Tori-no-machi" in those days, and the first day of the rooster (Ichi-no-Tori-no-ichi) in November was generally valued.
Since the rooster day falls every 12 days, some years have two festivals and some years have three festivals.

  • お祭り
    酉の市 | Bird Day Fair (held at Otori Shrine on each Day of the Bird in November)
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    酉の市 | Bird Day Fair (held at Otori Shrine on each Day of the Bird in November)
  • Date
    5,17,29 of November
  • Venue

    Ootori Shrine


  • Access
    9-minute walk from Minowa Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
  • Tel
    +81 3-3872-1667
  • Category
    StallTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon