
Niihama Taiko Festival

愛媛2024.10.16 - 2024.10.18

ehime16 Oct. 2024 - 18 Oct. 2024

新居浜太鼓祭りは、愛媛県新居浜市を代表する秋祭りです。 徳島の阿波踊り、高知のよさこい祭りと並び四国三大祭りとしても知られています。新居浜市内には現在53台の太鼓台があります。1台重さ約3トン、高さ5.5m、長さ12mという巨大な山車である太鼓台の4本の棒(かき棒といいます。)には、最大150人余りの男衆(かき夫といいます)がつき、太鼓台から打ち鳴らされる腹に響く太鼓の音、かき棒にまたがり太鼓台の運行を仕切る4人の指揮者の笛、揃いの法被に身をつつんだ男衆達のかけ声によって市内を練り歩きます。

The Niihama Taiko Festival is a fall festival that represents Niihama-shi, Ehime-ken. It is considered one of Shikoku's Three Grand Festival, along with Tokushima's Awa Dance and Kochi's Yosakoi Festival. There are currently 53 Taiko platforms within Niihama. Each platform weighs 3 tons, with a height of 5.5 meters, and a length of 12 meters. This large float with the Taiko drum platform has 4 sticks which can be supported by a maximum of 150 men (called Kakio), and the sounds from the Taiko drums reverberate into the body, and the sounds of the whistle coming from the 4 men who are on the sticks commanding the float, parade through town with the men all dressed in the same happi coats yelling aloud.

  • Festival
    新居浜太鼓祭り | Niihama Taiko Festival
  • Date
    16 Oct. 2024 - 18 Oct. 2024
  • Venue

    In Niihama City, at Ichinomiya Shrine, etc.


  • Access
    Get off at the JR Niihama Station
  • Tel
    +81 897-65-1261
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiStallTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon