
Shinohara Dance, Sotani Kyogen


nara21 Jan. 2024

惣谷狂言は室町時代より継承し全国でも珍しい地狂言。 篠原踊りと同日開催午前と午後が各年で入れ替わる。

Shinohara-odori dance, which is registered as Nara's Intangible Folk Cultural Asset, is said to have started a long time ago when the whole village dedicated a dance to the gods to defeat the vicious wolf that had been troubling the Shinohara area, and their prayers were answered. It is said that the dance has since been continued and passed on.
Soutani Kyogen has been passed down since the Muromachi period, and is nationally a unique local kyogen. It is performed on the same day as the Shinohara-odori dance, where they switch between morning and afternoon every year.

  • お祭り
    篠原踊り・惣谷狂言 | Shinohara Dance, Sotani Kyogen
  • 日付
  • 開催場所



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  • アクセス
    JR 五条駅→奈良交通バス 十津川温泉行き「宇井」下車
    JR 五条駅→村営バス「篠原」下車
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    篠原踊り・惣谷狂言 | Shinohara Dance, Sotani Kyogen
  • Date
    21 Jan. 2024
  • Venue

    Ten Shrine


  • Access
    Get off at the Shinohara bus stop on the bus from the JR Gojo Station
  • Tel
    +81 747-24-2011
  • Category
    Dance/ParadeTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon