
Wakakusasan Yamayaki


nara27 Jan. 2024


The Wakakusasan Yamayaki major event is performed by creating a wild fire on Mount Wakakusa, which looks down at Nara City at an altitude of 342 meters, and the burning of the entire mounting brings the feeling of early spring to Nara. This is a joint event of the Shinto and Buddhist religions, and held in conjunction by Kasuga Shrine, Todaiji Temple, and Kofukuji Temple to pray for world peace and safety for all of Nara.
The Yamayaki is first started with a signal of about 600 fireworks, and thereafter the fields of 33 hectares on the mountain are burned.

  • お祭り
    若草山山焼き | Wakakusasan Yamayaki
  • 日付
  • 開催場所

    奈良公園内 若草山一帯

    奈良市雑司町 奈良公園

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    近鉄 奈良駅→奈良交通バス「大仏殿春日大社前」下車 徒歩20分
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    若草山山焼き | Wakakusasan Yamayaki
  • Date
    27 Jan. 2024
  • Venue

    Within Nara Park, Wakakusasan area


  • Access
    20-minute walk from the Daibutsuden Kasugataisha Mae bus stop on the Nara Kotsu Bus from Nara Station
  • Tel
    +81 742-27-8677
  • Category
    FireworksTraditional Culture
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Festival to be held soon