Takasagoyama Gannenbou Festival
toyama12 Apr. 2025
Gannenbo Dance has over 400 years of tradition and it is folk entertainment cultivated by history of Okubo including the hand dance, Tasuki dance, and bamboo dance. It is told that the aspect of the dance is the wishes of people who lived in civil war period.
- お祭り
- 高砂山願念坊祭り | Takasagoyama Gannenbou Festival
- 日付
- 2025.04.12
- 開催場所
- アクセス
- JR富山駅南口からバスで25分笹津方面行き 北陸電気工業前 下車
- 電話番号
- 076-467-1761
- Festival
- 高砂山願念坊祭り | Takasagoyama Gannenbou Festival
- Date
- 12 Apr. 2025
- Venue
Shimookubo, Toyama-shi, Toyama-ken
- Access
- 25 minutes bus ride from the JR Toyama Station South Exit bound for Sasazu direction, get off at Hokuriku denkikogyomae bus stop
- Tel
- +81 76-467-1761
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