
Agata Festival

京都2024.06.05 - 2024.06.06

kyoto05 Jun. 2024 - 06 Jun. 2024


It is well known as Pitch-black Unusual Festival, held from June 5th to early morning of the 6th. At around 11 AM, the Bonten is dress in happi clothing, and it start to move around as the young local Bontenko carry it around. The transfer of deity is performed in the pitch-black as the lanterns in the main building are turned off, after which it will take off. The Bonten then parades within the grounds, then goes under the Torii gate to leave the grounds. It will be swung around, lifted up and down, and run around in front of the old Taiheiden in a brave manner. It will then return to the grounds, and the Kanko Festival will be concluded at around 1 in the morning. It is surely fitting to be called a unique festival of darkness.

  • Festival
    県祭り | Agata Festival
  • Date
    05 Jun. 2024 - 06 Jun. 2024
  • Venue

    Ujibashishotengai-dori, etc


  • Access
    Get off at the JR Uji Station
  • Tel
    +81 774-23-3334
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiStallBizarre festival
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Festival to be held soon