
Amagi Firefly Festival

静岡2024.05.30 - 2024.06.14

shizuoka30 May. 2024 - 14 Jun. 2024

6月になると天城ほたる祭りが催され、オープニングは尺八や太鼓の伝統芸能、抹茶接待などのイベントが行われる。キレイな川しか生息できない源氏蛍がここ天城の清流に無数に遊び都会では 出会うことができない幻想的な光を求めて毎年多くの人で賑わいます。

The Amagi Firefly Festival is held in June, and on the opening day performances of tradi-tional performing arts such as Shakuhachi and Taiko drums are performed, along with the serving of green tea to participants. Many people visit the festival annually to seek the majestic lights that the Genjibotaru emit, that only live in clean waters, and can be seen in the clean waters of Amagi.

  • お祭り
    天城ほたる祭り | Amagi Firefly Festival
  • 日付
    2024.05.30 - 2024.06.14
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒410-3206 静岡県伊豆市湯ケ島354

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    天城ほたる祭り | Amagi Firefly Festival
  • Date
    30 May. 2024 - 14 Jun. 2024
  • Venue

    Yugashima, Izu-shi, Shizuoka-ken


  • Access
    Get off at the Yugashima Onsenguchi bus stop on the bus from Izu-Tokai Bus departing from the Izu-Hakone Railway Shuzenji Station
  • Tel
    +81 558-85-1056
  • Category
    Traditional CultureFlower/Snow/illuminationMusicOcean/River/Ship
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Festival to be held soon