
Toba Fire Festival


aichi11 Feb. 2024


Toba Fire Festival carried out at the Toba Shrine is said to have started approximately 1200 years ago. Officially called the Toba-Daikagaribi. A 5 meter tall torch made of bamboo and thatch is lit with fire, and a Jyuninawa and Kamiki are placed inside, and Yakuotoko and priests wearing clothes made of an old flag representing a charm against evil, will compete at taking out the two items from the fire. The Kamiki and Jyuninawa will be offered up to the shrine after it is taken out, and will used to tell the fortune for the year.

  • Festival
    鳥羽の火祭り | Toba Fire Festival
  • Date
    11 Feb. 2024
  • Venue

    Toba Shrine in Nishio-shi, Aichi-ken


  • Access
    10-minute walk from the Mikawa-Toba Station on the Meitetsu Gamagori Line
  • Tel
    +81 563-57-7840
  • Category
    Dance/ParadeTraditional CultureBizarre festival
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