The festival is held by 3 combined shrines of Kasuga Shrine, Hachimangu, and Suwa Shrine to return thanks for good health, business prosperity, traffic safety, and productive-ness of grains. The biggest fancy dress contest in the Enshu regions is held and normally silent town in the mountains takes on added heat on this day.
"> The festival is held by 3 combined shrines of Kasuga Shrine, Hachimangu, and Suwa Shrine to return thanks for good health, business prosperity, traffic safety, and productive-ness of grains. The biggest fancy dress contest in the Enshu regions is held and normally silent town in the mountains takes on added heat on this day.


Misakubo Festival

静岡2023.09.16 - 2023.09.17

shizuoka16 Sep. 2023 - 17 Sep. 2023


Misakubo Festival is held annually on Saturday and Sunday right before "Respect-for-the Aged Day" in September.
The festival is held by 3 combined shrines of Kasuga Shrine, Hachimangu, and Suwa Shrine to return thanks for good health, business prosperity, traffic safety, and productive-ness of grains. The biggest fancy dress contest in the Enshu regions is held and normally silent town in the mountains takes on added heat on this day.

  • お祭り
    水窪祭(みさくぼ祭) | Misakubo Festival
  • 日付
    2023.09.16 - 2023.09.17
  • 開催場所


    日本, 〒431-4101 静岡県浜松市天竜区水窪町奥領家3050−20

    Google Map  

  • アクセス
    ・遠州鉄道西鹿島駅より、遠州鉄道バス利用 約1時間30分。

    新東名高速道路 浜松浜北ICより国道152号経由約50km、70分。
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    水窪祭(みさくぼ祭) | Misakubo Festival
  • Date
    16 Sep. 2023 - 17 Sep. 2023
  • Venue

    Misakubo Shopping Street


  • Access
    5-minute walk from the JR Iida Line "Misakubo Station"
  • Tel
    +81 53-987-0432
  • Category
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Festival to be held soon