
Ecchu Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival


toyama03 May. 2023

5月3日は越中八尾の曳山祭。江戸時代には富山藩の御納戸所として栄華を極めた町人文化の象徴であった曳山神事は、今もなお伝承されています。 三味線、笛、太鼓の奏でる古式ゆかしい典雅な曳山囃子につれて、凛々しい若者達が揃いの法被姿で曳く六本の曳山。夜ともなれば、1,000余の灯がともる堤灯山車となり、夜景に浮きあがるように照らされて坂の町を練り歩きます。その光景はあたかも不夜城のごとく豪華の一語につき、最高潮に達して夜更けまで繰りひろげられます。

Ecchu Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival is held on May 3. In Edo period, Hikiyama ritual was the symbol of townsmen culture which was at the height of prosperity as Toyama domain's Onandodokoro, and the ritual is still inherited to today. Gallant young men in same happi coats, drag 6 floats along with Hikiyama music played bay shamisen, flutes, and drums gracefully according to the traditional rituals. Floats change into lantern floats with over 1000 lights at night, and parade through the city hills. It looks like rising up in night view. The view is glorious to sum it up in one word as night was turned into day, and it goes on till late at night after reaching the climax.

  • お祭り
    越中八尾曳山祭 | Ecchu Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival
  • 日付
  • 開催場所


    日本, 富山県富山市 国道472号線

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  • アクセス
  • 電話番号
  • カテゴリ
  • Festival
    越中八尾曳山祭 | Ecchu Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival
  • Date
    03 May. 2023
  • Venue

    Downtown Yatsuomachi


  • Access
    15-minute walk from the JR Takayama Main Line Ecchu Yatsuo Station
  • Tel
    +81 76-454-5138
  • Category
    Mikoshi/DashiTraditional Culture
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